Friday, November 30, 2012

The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

The managerial grid model (1964) is a behavioral leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton. This model originally identified five different leadership styles based on the concern for people and the concern for production. The optimal leadership style in this model is based on Theory Y.
The grid theory has continued to evolve and develop. The theory was updated with two additional leadership styles and with a new element, resilience. In 1999, the grid managerial seminar began using a new text, The Power to Change.
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Company Formation

Company formation is the term for the process of incorporation of a business in the country.  It is also sometimes referred to as company registration. This ppt gives a detailed overview of Company Formation in India.

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Section 25 Companies- An insight and Update

Section 25 companies are those companies which are formed for the sole purpose of promoting commerce, art, science, religion, charity or any other useful object and have been granted a licence by the central government recognizing them as such. This ppt by Mr. Atul Mittal, Associate Director , PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd. gives a detailed overview on the following topics:

       Benefits & Privilege
       Foreign Investment

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Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical stimulation of the sense organs. For example, vision involves light striking the retinas of the eyes, smell is mediated by odour molecules and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception is not the passive receipt of these signals, but can be shaped by learningmemory and expectation. Perception involves these "top-down" effects as well as the "bottom-up" process of processing sensory input. The "bottom-up" processing is basically low-level information that's used to build up higher-level information (i.e. - shapes for object recognition). The "top-down" processing refers to a person's concept and expectations (knowledge) that influence perception. Perception depends on complex functions of the nervous system, but subjectively seems mostly effortless because this processing happens outside conscious awareness.

    Ø  Study questions.
       –        What is the perceptual process?
       –        What are common perceptual distortions?
       –        How can the perceptual process be managed?
       –        What is attribution theory?

            This ppt by John Wiley & Sons, Inc gives a detailed overview of the topics.

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Section 314 of Companies Act, 1956


In ordinary parlance, an office or place of profit means an office or profit or position, which brings to the person holding it some pecuniary gain or advantage or benefit. It will be an office or place of profit if it carries some remuneration, pecuniary advantage, benefit etc. The amount of such profit is immaterial. Section 314 of the Companies Act,1956 regulates the provisions relating to appointment of a director or any relative , firm, body corporate to an office or place of profit. The underlying object of this section is to ensure that those who occupy a fiduciary position in the company do not misuse, directly or indirectly, except with the permission of the shareholders or central government in certain cases. The provisions of this section are applicable to both public and private companies. The Companies Bill, 2003 proposes that the section shall not be applicable to private companies.

The provisions of this section are very interesting to ponder, to understand its compliance and implication as it is one of the very difficult section in the Companies Act, 1956. To read further click on the following link below:

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Planning and Decision Making

After studying this PPT by Houghton Mifflin Company, you should be able to:

        Summarize the function of decision making and the planning      process.

       Discuss the purpose of organizational goals, and identify different kinds of goals. Discuss who sets goals, and describe how to manage multiple goals.

        Identify different kinds of organizational plans, note the time frames for planning, discuss who plans, and describe contingency planning.

        Discuss how tactical plans are developed.

        Describe the basic types of operational plans used by organizations.

    Identify the major barriers to goal setting and planning, how organizations overcome those barriers, and how to use goals to implement plans.

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Introduction to Organisational Behaviour

Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within an organization. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management; and it complements the academic studies of organizational theory (which is focused on organizational and intra-organizational topics) and human resource studies (which is more applied and business-oriented). It may also be referred to as organizational studies or organizational science. The field has its roots in industrial and organizational psychology.

The study of Organisational Behaviour involves:
ü  consideration of the interaction among the formal structure (organisational context in which the process of management takes place)
ü  the tasks to be undertaken
ü  the technology employed and the methods of carrying out work
ü  the behaviour of people
ü  the process of management
ü  the external environment

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Theories of Leadership

Interest in leadership increased during the early part of the twentieth century. Early leadership theories focused on what qualities distinguished between leaders and followers, while subsequent theories looked at other variables such as situational factors and skill levels. While many different leadership theories have emerged, most can be classified as one of eight major types:

1.    "Great Man" Theories
2.     Trait Theories
3.    Contingency Theories
4.    Situational Theories
5.    Behavioral Theories
6.    Participative Theories
7.    Management Theories
8.    Relationship Theories


This PPT explains in detail about Trait Theories, Contingency Theories and Behavioural Theories. To read further click on the following link below:

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Motivation: Concept and Theories


Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. For instance: An individual has not eaten, he or she feels hungry, and as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger. There are many approaches to motivation: physiological, behavioural, cognitive, and social.
Motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or for a desired object. Conceptually, motivation is related to, but distinct from, emotionS.
This ppt consist of basic theories of motivation. To read further click on the following link below:

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Conflict Management

Conflict management involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects of conflict and to increase the positive aspects of conflict at a level equal to or higher than where the conflict is taking place. Furthermore, the aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes. It is not concerned with eliminating all conflict or avoiding conflict. Conflict can be valuable to groups and organizations. It has been shown to increase group outcomes when managed properly.

This PPT consists discussion on following broad heads:

          Sources of Conflict
          Desirability of Conflict
          Types of Conflict
          Undesirability of Conflict
          Game Theory
          Toward Conflict Management

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Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support the others in the accomplishment of a common task".

Other in-depth definitions of leadership have also emerged.Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal".

The leader may or may not have any formal authority. Students of leadership have produced theories involving traits, situational interaction, function, behavior, power, vision and values, charisma, and intelligence, among others. Somebody whom people follow: somebody who guides or directs others.

This ppt explains Leadership and basic concepts related to it. To read further click on the link below:

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Introduction to Accounting Standards

Indian Accounting Standards, (abbreviated as Ind AS) are a set of accounting standards notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs which are converged with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These accounting standards are formulated by Accounting Standards Board ofInstitute of Chartered Accountants of India. Now India will have two sets of accounting standards viz. existing accounting standards under Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules, 2006 and IFRS converged Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). The Ind AS are named and numbered in the same way as the corresponding IFRS. NACAS recommend these standards to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has to spell out the accounting standards applicable for companies in India. As on date the Ministry of Corporate Affairs notified 35 Indian Accounting Standards(Ind AS). 

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Indian accounting standards, US GAAP and IFRS

This PPT gives a brief insight on the Indian Accounting Standards, US GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards. To read more click on the link below.

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A Private Limited Company is a Company limited by shares in which there can be maximum 50 shareholders, no invitation can be made to the public for subscription of shares or debentures, cannot make or accept deposits from Public and there are restriction on the transfer of shares. The liability of each shareholder is limited to the extent of the unpaid amount of the shares face value and the premium thereon in respect of the shares held by him.

A Private Limited Company has to follow lesser stringent compliances as compared to a listed company. This PDF gives an insight of the Compliances to be adhered to by a Private Limited Company. To read further click on the following link below:

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Meaning, Characteristics And Types of Companies

This Pdf consists of following sub-topics:

1.  Objective
2.  Introduction
3.  Meaning of Company
4.  Characteristics of a Company
5.  Distinction between Company and Partnership
6.  Types of Company
7.  Summary
8.  Keywords
9.  Self Assessment Questions

After reading this pdf, you should be able to:
(a) Define a company and explain its features.
(b) Make a distribution between company and partnership firm.
(c) Explain the various types of companies.

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Training and Development

Training and development (T&D) encompasses three main activities: training, education, and development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Irish Institute of Training and Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However, to practitioners, they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities:
§  Training: This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individual currently holds.

§  Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.

§  Development: This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to evaluate. 

This PPT details further about Training and Development. To read further click on the following link below:

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